Lightning Golf Discs

20120901 174356 Lightning Golf Discs

Lightning Golf Discs LogoLightning Golf Discs is disc manufacturer out of Dallas Texas. Lightning produces a full line of drivers, mid range, and putters. They currently sell more than 25 golf discs and offer two different types of plastic.

If you haven’t heard of Lightning Golf Discs, you’re not alone. Lightning doesn’t do a lot of marketing, and they don’t even really have a website. They don’t make ultra high speed discs, so you probably won’t find a pro using them. But if you’re looking for inexpensive golf discs to throw around, you may want to consider Lighting. Lightning Discs are actually pretty good, and are some of the most affordable frisbees on the market. These discs are completely adequate for beginners and intermediate players.
Available Plastics

Lighting Discs come in a variety of colors. The standard plastic uses a unique marble blend, and these discs float in water. Every serious recreation disc golfer ought to have at least one floating golf disc. The plastic isn’t the most durable blend on the market, but from the limited testing I’ve done with these discs, I would say that this plastic is more durable than Innova DX or Discraft Pro-D.

Small gash in rim of #2 putter after 200 foot make.The Pro-Line plastic Lightning makes isn’t quite as colorful, and doesn’t float, but this plastic is supposed to be super durable. I’ve had a couple of throws that have gone into fences, and into the side of a concrete building, and there haven’t been any flight altering gashes in these discs. I have been able to notice some small dents from the point of impact, so don’t think these discs are quite as durable as Innova Champion plastic.

Grip lines in inside rim of Prostyle D-4Both plastics are very grippy. Lightning discs also have a unique set of grooves on the inner rim. While these groove lines may help improve the grip, my index finger feels pretty raw after a few hundred throws with these discs this morning. For a normal round of golf, the extra grip potential should only be a positive.

Lightning also produces discs in glow plastic for night play. These are the cheapest glowing disc golf discs you’ll find.

Unique Lightning Discs

Large Diameter of the #2 Roller compared with the Discraft Nuke. As you can see it's much bigger.Most of the names associated with Lightning discs describe exactly what these discs do… #1 Hyzer, #3 Hookshot, #2 Driver, #2 Roller etc. Lightning makes a couple of totally unique discs. The #2 roller is the widest diameter golf disc I’ve ever used. It’s designed to be a “forehand roller” and believe me it does. This disc is so flippy it’s about impossible to throw forehand without making this disc roll.

Lightning also makes the lightest understable golf disc I’ve ever thrown. My #2 Slice weighs only 117 grams. If you want a disc that will curve to the right on a back hand throw, this disc will do it for even the weakest of throwers.

Wing Length of #2 Hyzer compared with the Discraft Nuke.Lightning doesn’t currently make any discs with a wide wing length. I struggle throwing discs forehand that have thin rims, and I struggle throwing forehand when discs are ultra grippy. For me, these discs are not good for forehand throws.

New Discs and Technology

While I don’t think lightning has focused much on creating new discs and plastic blends, they do have a few things in the works. The MX-1 uses a different plastic blend, and is actually a faster driver than any of their previous models. So while they aren’t the most aggressive manufacturers to create new discs, they are still making advancements.

Other Products

In addition to golf discs, Lightning also sells a high quality portable disc golf basket and a selection of top quality bags at low prices.

Buy Cheap Lightning Discs

Lightning Golf Discs are about the least expensive discs on the market. To make things even less expensive, you can occasionally find mis-prints and X-Outs for even less.

In addition to golf discs, Lightning also sells a high quality disc golf baskets and bags.