So today as Kirk and I were testing out some discs, (we were actually testing out putters, but got a little distracted), Kirk managed to throw my Innova Beast into a canal. To his credit, it was really windy, so we can’t blame the errant throw on his abilities alone.
After removing his shoes and getting in the mucky water, we were unable to find the disc. Beneath the foot or so of water is a huge layer of mossy muddy sludge. I’m thinking the disc got swallowed up and lost in that stuff. Well, if the disc floated, it would have avoided the sludge, and would have been much easier to find.
If only there was a floating disc golf disc….
After doing some research, there are several floating discs made by Innova! The Dragon and Wahoo are distance drivers that float, and the Hydra is a floating putt and approach disc . So if you are going to be golfing in a place where a floating Frisbee would be helpful, you may want to invest in the Dragon or Wahoo. If you’re putting at a basket that is dangerously close to a deep body of water, you may want to purchase the “Hydra.”
More Disc Golf Brands that Make Floating Discs
Post Updated December 5, 2023
Aqua Flight – The disc brand, AquaFlight, makes discs specifically designed for floating in water, hence the name Aqua-Flight.
DGA – While most DGA discs are made by Discraft, the super soft Blowfly and Gumputt series discs float in water.
Dino Discs – Dino Discs is another disc golf brand that makes light weight designed for kids. All of these discs float in water.
Discmania – From the Yikun made active line, Yikun’s Mermaid (great name for a disc destined for water) also floats in water.
Guru Disc Golf – Guru is a Norwegian disc golf brand. Within this brand they have a “Safety Line” which includes light weight, safe flying discs that don’t sink.
Lightning Discs -The disc manufacturer Lightning Golf Discs’ standard plastic floats. They produce 25 different discs that float, everything to over-stable drivers to under-stable putters. These discs are really inexpensive as well. Lightning is a great place to look if you’re looking for the perfect disc to safely get you over that water hazard. However, Lightning Discs is no longer in operation making new discs so if you get used to a Lightning Disc, it might be hard to replace it.
Millennium – Millennium makes a floating driver, appropriately named the “Aquarious.”
Yikun – Yikun has a plastic line called the Swift line which includes floating discs including the Rong and Zhu.
Here’s some links to help you buy one of the available floating disc golf discs:
Midrange Discs: