
We’ll be honest, titling this careers is a little misleading. As an online disc golf blog we can’t exactly pay anyone career money for joining or team, but if you just love disc golf and are looking to get more involved, we might have something for you.

Potential Positions Available:

Contributing Writer

Do you love writing about disc golf? We are always interested in new writers to add to our team. There’s really not any pay in disc golf reviewing, but we can probably hook you up with some free disc golf product in exchange for your written talents and opinions.

Disc golf YouTube Video Creation

We would love to grow a YouTube Channel and are looking for an enthusiastic, passionate person to be the face of it.

Do you love Disc Golf? Do you love sharing what you know with others? Do you love the idea of helping others with a passion for disc golf?

Then this is for you!

About the Role

You will be able to choose topics to create disc golf related videos about. With support from our team, you will be coming up with the final script for each video. Then you will record the video, edit it and uploaded it to the YouTube channel.

The aim will be to produce a video every week

You’ll be learning a lot about Disc Golf. This is a demanding role, with tons of support to help you improve your skills.

Pay is negotiable, and will be based primarily on the success of the Youtube Channel.

How to apply

Please email us your resume and information of how you would like to work with us at: