Axiom Envy vs. Millennium Omega–World Series of Putters Round 1

IMG 8275 scaled Axiom Envy vs. Millennium Omega--World Series of Putters Round 1

We are halfway through the first round of the Disc Golf Reviewer World Series of Putters. This is a project where I test two putter molds against one another on the putting green in a head-to-head competition and then post about my experience and the results. Today we begin the first round matchups in the bottom right quadrant of our bracket, also known as the Envy Region. Today’s matchup is a juicy one between the 1 seed Axiom Envy and the 16 seed Millennium Omega. Let’s take a moment to get to know each disc a bit better.

Axiom Envy

IMG 8273 Axiom Envy vs. Millennium Omega--World Series of Putters Round 1Every heard of the Holy Shot? If you are the kind of person who reads articles that compare disc golf discs head-to-head, then you probably have. The Axiom Envy is a moderately overstable putter known for finding its way into the basket from a long way away. While it has a strong reputation as an approach disc, the Envy is also a popular choice for the putting green as well.

The Envy is on the shorter side for discs, and it feels pretty shallow in the hand due to its flat flight plate. The rim is beadless, and like all discs in the MVP/Axiom lineup, the Envy has a GYRO technology overmold that wraps around the disc’s rim. The Envy is the more overstable option of the two Axiom putter molds.

For today’s match we used a pair of Axiom Envys in Electron plastic. Electron is right in between Electron Soft and Electron Firm in its flexibility.

Millennium Omega

IMG 8272 Axiom Envy vs. Millennium Omega--World Series of Putters Round 1The Millennium Omega is an oldy but a goody in the world of disc golf putters. The Omega doesn’t sell like it used to, but it is still known as a high-quality option on the putting green.

The Omega is a tall putter that features a microbead that helps it maintain a straight, stable flight. Millennium’s discs are manufactured by Innova Champion Discs, so the Omega reminds me of an Aviar Putt and Approach but a touch straighter and with a microbead. And when I say the Omega has a microbead, it is very “micro.” I barely noticed it when I first started putting with it.

For today’s match we used a Delta T Omega, which is the stiffest base plastic blend in the Omega lineup. It looks and feels pretty similar to Infinite’s P-Blend.

Specifications and Flight Numbers

Let’s take a look at some of the specs courtesy of the PDGA and break down the major differences between these two putter molds.



Flight Numbers: 3/3/-1/2

Envy Flight Path Axiom Envy vs. Millennium Omega--World Series of Putters Round 1

Flight Numbers: 2/3/0/0
Omega Flight Path Axiom Envy vs. Millennium Omega--World Series of Putters Round 1
Max Weight: 174.3gr
Diameter: 21.0cm
Height: 1.8cm
Rim Depth: 1.4cm
Rim Thickness: 1.1cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 18.8cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 6.7%
Rim Configuration: 52.00
Flexibility: 8.73kg
Max Weight: 175.1gr
Diameter: 21.1cm
Height: 2.0cm
Rim Depth: 1.5cm
Rim Thickness: 0.9cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 19.3cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 7.1%
Rim Configuration: 55.75
Flexibility: 1.36kg
IMG 8250 Axiom Envy vs. Millennium Omega--World Series of Putters Round 1
As far as the specs go, the main difference we see here is in the height of each disc. .2cm doesn’t sound like a lot, but it is a difference you can definitely feel when holding each disc. The Envy’s flatter flight plate that caries closer to the edge before beginning to curl into the rim also helps the disc feel a bit shallower in the hand. I’d still maybe prefer the shape of the Omega, but I was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable Envy felt in my hands from the get go.
Stability is another difference between these two molds. Most of the time this is a minimal factor on the putting green, but the Envy definitely performed more overstable than the Omega even on the shorter putter shots. The Envy seemed more eager to give way to its fade while the Omega would resist it a touch longer.
You might think the Delta T Omega would be significantly firmer in the hand, but the Envy’s overmold helps to stiffen up the disc, and I actually think the Electron Envy felt stiffer than the Delta T Omega. And while it isn’t as firm as Electron Firm, Electron plastic is still very firm, much more than you might expect.

The Match

IMG 8271 Axiom Envy vs. Millennium Omega--World Series of Putters Round 1For more info on the format and scoring system I used to test these putters against each other, be sure to check out our main World Series of Putters post.
I conducted this match on a beautiful morning at a local disc golf course on a permanent Innova Discatcher basket. The sun was just coming up and there was no wind or weather to speak of. After warming up with both discs, a coin flip determined that the Millennium Omega would go first on the first set of putts. Here is how it all played out:

(1) Envy Scorecard

(16) Omega Scorecard

20ft: Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y (7/10 putts made)=21 points
20ft: Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y (9/10)=27 points
30ft: Y N N Y N Y N N N N (3/10)=12 points
30ft: N N N N N Y Y N N N (2/10)=8 points
40ft: Y Y N N N N N N N N (2/10)=10 points
40ft: N Y N N N N N N N N (1/10)=5 points
Total: 43 points
Total: 40 points

The Winner

This one was pretty close down the stretch, but the 1 seed Axiom Envy avoided the big upset by taking down the 16 seed Millennium Omega 43 to 40

Notes from the Match

IMG 8275 Axiom Envy vs. Millennium Omega--World Series of Putters Round 1I try not to pick favorites going into matches, but if I’m being honest, I kind of expected the Millennium Omega to pull off the upset as I was starting the match. Both discs were feeling good in my hand after the warm up, but the Omega is more the shape and feel of putter that I usually prefer. However, that proved to not be the case today.
This was a very close match, so it’s especially difficult to try and pinpoint a reason the Envy came out on top. If I had to choose one area where I felt the Envy had an advantage, I think I’d have to go with the plastic blends. The Delta T Omega feels great, and it would be my top choice of all the Omega plastic blends I could have used. The Electron Envy with the stiffness from the overmold just gave me a touch more confidence as I released each putt.
When you break down the scorecard, I actually made the same number of putts with each disc, but the Envy was able to hit more from longer distance. I’ve done well with stable or understable putters from distance, but I did feel a touch more confident predicting the reliable fade the Envy had on those longer putts today. I didn’t connect on most of them, but there were several that just missed off the bottom right of the cage. If a few more of those had managed to fall in, this match wouldn’t have been so close.

My Recommendation

I liked both these putters, and it would be hard to choose one to recommend over the other. Those looking for a taller and floatier putter should go with the Omega, and those looking for a flatter putter more conducive to spin putting should choose the Envy. At this point, I’d still maybe choose the Omega for myself just because of the height I’m used to on my putters. Plus, you see less and less Omegas out on the course these days, so the nostalgic softy in me would pull me toward using and recommending the Omega.
But the MVP/Axiom crew swears by the Envy, and the Envy gets at least one more round to convince me to hop on the Envy train. The Axiom Envy now awaits the winner of tomorrow’s intruiging matchup in the Envy Region between the 8 seed Innova Yeti Pro Aviar and the 9 seed Latitude 64 Dagger. Come back tomorrow to get the results!