Which Disc Manufacturer Makes the Best Distance Drivers?

Vibram Patches e1502481907839 Which Disc Manufacturer Makes the Best Distance Drivers?

If you want to impress your friends on the disc golf course, it’s all about distance. Owning the best distance drivers will help you to get the results you are looking for.

Based on reviews by disc golfers on InfiniteDiscs.com, we have determined which disc manufacturers make the best distance drivers. Each disc reviewed was rated between one and five stars. One star discs are considered “horrible” while five star discs are “must haves.” All distance drivers with ratings were used to determine the manufacturers overall rating.

Best Distance DriversAccording to disc golfers, the best distance drivers are manufactured in Sweden. In fact, three of the top rated brands are all manufactured by Latitude 64. Here is the break down from our findings…

1. Latitude 64 – Average Rating 4.51

Euorpe’s biggest disc manufacturer makes some great distance drivers. Their ratings were especially bumped up by discs such as the Saint, Havoc, and Flow. The Striker and Villain are currently the lowest rated Latitude 64 drivers.

2. Discmania Average Ranking 4.34

Discmania (Innova’s European division) doesn’t make a lot of drivers, but those that throw these retooled Innova products really like them. Discmania Edged out Dynamic Discs and Westside with the second spot.

4. Dynamic Discs – Average Rating 4.3

Dynamic Discs is new to the disc manufacturing world, but the Trespass and Renegade are very well liked. So far they haven’t produced any “bad discs” to drop their overall rating down. While DD is a U.S. company, their discs are actually manufactured by Lat 64 in Sweden.

5. Discraft – Average Rating 4.31

Don’t think that U.S. manufacturers don’t make good drivers because they do. Discrafts rankings are just slightly below DD and Discmania. Discraft has been around longer than the other brands, and has a much larger selection of max distance drivers. To my surprise, the Force is actually the highest rated Discraft driver on infinitediscs.com. Other highly rated drivers include the Surge SS, Nuke SS, Avenger SS, Surge, and Flash. The Nuke — while being the most popular Discraft driver, is actually one of the lower rated drivers with an average rank of just 3.89.

6. Westside – Average Rating 4.28

The third brand in the Latitude 64 family, Westside’s drivers have the sixth highest ratings. The Sword and Northman are highly esteemed, and the Boatman, King and Giant still have “very good” ratings.

7. DGA – Average Ranking 4.2

Discrafts brother has a few decent rated discs, but no DGA disc had more than 6 votes.

8. Legacy – Average Ranking 4.15

The Cannon and Rampage may be two of the fastest drivers in the world, they both have good rankings, but not good enough to propel Legacy higher.

9. Vibram – Ranking 4.14

Vibram only makes one distance driver at the moment, the Lace. While many love this far flying discs, it has an average star rating of 4.14

10. Prodigy – Average Ranking 4.0

While the newest entrant to the DG manufacturing world may make great drivers for professionals, the average disc golfer hasn’t been overly impressed.

11. Innova – Average Ranking 3.95

The worldwide leader in disc golf didn’t make the top 10. This doesn’t mean they don’t make good drivers, as they actually make a few of the highest rated discs out there. Innova’s problem is that they have several poorly rated discs that low down the overall average. The Groove has 22 votes, but a rating of just 2.1. The “floating” discs (Wahoo and Dragon) also rate very poorly, likely due to their lack of durability.

The Krait, Roadrunner, Valkyrie, Wraith, Destroyer, and Katana all have excellent star ratings. If Innova only made these distance drivers, they would be at the top of this list.

12. Gateway – Average Ranking 3.92

While Gateway may make the best putters in the world, ratings for their drivers are marginal at best. The fact is that the Gateway drivers just don’t have a lot of reviews.
ABC, Aerobie, Ching, Lightning and Prodiscus also make distance drivers, but there just weren’t enough ratings to justify publishing any results.