Millennium Golf Discs

millennium golf discs

Millennium Golf Discs focus is on providing a simple selection of high quality, accurate golf discs. They have about 12 discs they sell including eight drivers, two mid range, and two putters. Since 2011 the day to day operations of Millennium have been handled by Discs Unlimited in Kansas.

According to their website, Millennium revolutionized disc golf development by providing high quality materials with innovative design. For the manufacturing of their discs, Millennium actually contracts with Innova’s personnel and equipment. On the bottom of the discs you will read, “INNOVA CHAMPION DISCS, INC. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CAL.” Nevertheless, Millennium is its own separate business and brand.

After playing several rounds with Millennium discs, I’m impressed with them. I have four Millennium discs that I’m experimenting with: the JLS, the Polaris LS, Mid Range Sentinel, and the Omega Super Soft. Both drivers are great for a person who throws with my skill level. They are slightly over-stable, fly consistently, and get decent distance.

One thing I don’t like about Millennium golf discs is that they don’t have a rating system to characterize their flight patters. To figure out how much they’ll turn and fade, you just have to try throwing them. After we complete our test throws, we’ll hopefully be able to provide a good description of the flight characteristics of each Millennium disc.

How Do They Fly?

I’ve done two test rounds of disc golf where I have used only Millennium discs, and have paired them up against discs from Vibram, and Westside. In both of my experimental rounds, I had lower scores using the Millenium Discs.

After our first round of mid range accuracy tests from 150 feet, the mid range Sentinel ranked #1 compared with 30 different mid range and approach discs from multiple disc companies. The Sentinel is a mid range disc that can be thrown well backhand or forehand.

My initial impression of the Omega putter was that it was too squishy, and that I wouldn’t like it. After throwing it a few times, and making my shots, I really started liking the Omega Super Soft.

Available Plastics

Millenium uses three different plastics. The JLS and the Polaris I’m testing are in the Sirius plastic. This is a soft grippy plastic comparable to Innova Star, or Discraft ESP. It might actually be a little bit softer and more flexible. I really like it. Their “Quantum” plastic seems to be comparable with Innova Champion, or Discraft Z, and then they also have their “Millennium plastic” that is the least expensive, but less durable.