Most Accurate Approach Discs

generic discs e1507145697885 Most Accurate Approach Discs

One of the most important aspects to a good round of disc golf is getting that second shot close enough to the basket that you make your putt. Having one of the most accurate approach discs can make a big difference in whether or not you’ll make par.

What is the most accurate mid range/approach disc?

Depending on what kind obstacles are in your way, different discs will perform better than others. For straight shots with no obstacles, our results indicate that the Innova Dart is THE best approach disc for beginners and average disc golf players.

We tested 42 different mid range/ putt approach discs made by several different disc golf manufacturers. From 150 feet we made ten backhand and ten forehand throws, and scored them according to how close they were to the pin. Here are the results from the best performing discs:

Overall Results:

Both Styles

  • 1. Innova Dart
  • 2. Millennium Sentinel
  • 3. Discraft Buzz Pro-D
  • 4. Innova Cobra
  • 5. Innova Hydra
  • 6. Discraft Soft Focus
  • 7. Innova Gator
  • 8. Innova Stingray
  • 9. Innova Polecat
  • 10. Innova Coyote

Top Discs for:

Backhand Approach

  • 1. Innova Dart
  • 2. Millennium Sentinel
  • 3. Innova Coyote
  • 4. Discraft Soft Focus
  • 5. Discraft Buzz
  • 6. Innova Wolf
  • 7. Innova Gator
  • 8. Innova Birdie
  • 9. Innova Cobra
  • 10. Innova Mako

Forehand Approach

  • 1. Innova Dart
  • 2. Innova Cobra
  • 3. Innova Polecat
  • 4. Innova Hydra
  • 5. Millennium Sentinel
  • 6. Discraft Buzz
  • 7. Ching Precision
  • 8. Innova JK Aviar
  • 9. Innova Classic Roc
  • 10. Vibram Obex

Okay, not many people make approach shots with forehand throws, and our results really surprised us. Once we get a bigger sample size with more test throws, these results will likely change. Overall, Kirk (who was testing the backhand results) clearly threw better on day three of our testing.

Despite the statistical room for errors and based on our limited sample size, it’s pretty clear that the Innova Dart, Millennium Sentinel, and the Discraft Buzxz are three of the best approach discs.

The Dart is the hands down winner, coming in at #1 for all mid range/approach discs tested, for both our backhand and forehand shots.

The Sentinel correspondingly ranked #2 and #5.

The Discraft Buzz ranked in the #5 and #5 positions.

Wondering how we got these results? Read our accuracy testing methodology right here.

Least Accurate Approach Discs

The Innova Skeeter and the Vibram Summit rounded out the 40, and 41st ranking, but the most inconsistent, poorest flying disc was the Innova Goblin. This disc ranked 42 out of 42 — dead last, for both backhand and forehand throws. This could be a great disc to buy your friends if you want their disc golf game to decline. This disc is out of production (there is obviously a reason for that) and doesn’t even show up on Innova’s website, but it is available for purchase on E-bay.