The Discraft Surge is a moderately over-stable distance driver. Discraft gives it a stability rating of 1.7. It is similar to the Nuke, but with shorter wing length (rim width). When I throw the Surge hard and with a good wrist snap it flies long and straight, and then has a fairly substantial fade at the end of its flight. The Surge is one of my favorite Discraft drivers, and I find it easier to throw than the popular Nuke.
We’ve had some really good throws with the surge, and it ranks on the upper end of our discs for accurate distance drives. It has some excellent glide, and we’ve had several throws go beyond 300 feet with this disc.
The Surge is a very popular Discraft Disc and is available in all of the major Discraft plastics. My favorite plastic is ESP, it is soft and provides an excellent grip.