Disc Storage With the Prodigy Practice Bag

There are a lot of disc golf bags, backpacks, and carts out on the market now. But every once in a while, we see something that stands out for both its simplicity and functionality.  The Prodigy Practice Bag is such a product, filling a special niche that needs filling when it comes to simply transporting and storing large quantities of discs.

This fun little video from Infinite Discs points out some of those differences between the Prodigy Practice bag and all of the others out there.

A lot of folks just shrug off the Prodigy Practice Bag when they first see it as a glorified duffel bag with absolutely no “extra features”. But once they see it in use, like it is intended to be used, they simply must have one. Most of us who are longtime disc golfers have a plethora of discs stashed in boxes in our basement, or in the trunks of our cars, or tossed in other nooks and crannies. We have more discs than we actually use in our regular game play, yet we can’t part with those discs. They are handy when friends want to join us. They are fun to revisit when we happen to find an old favorite laying around. Plus, a lot of them have a lot of emotional significance to us as players, like that first signed ace disc that we had to retire.

Now we have a convenient, well-designed place to store all of those discs. The bag holds over 30 putters, and over 40 drivers. You can use it for Prodigy Ace Line discs, or discs of any brand. You can use it merely for organized storage, or you can use it for transporting large numbers of discs to do some field work and practice drills. You don’t need bells and whistles when it comes to storing discs.

The nice $24 retail price is very affordable for a bag that so perfectly fills a simple need. It isn’t a $200 solution to an irritating problem. It is a cheap solution, and we can always appreciate saving money and space!

Two thumbs up for the Prodigy Practice Bag! Great job Prodigy!