Best Disc Golf Mystery Boxes for 2023

Discraft Mystery Box

Disc Golf Mystery Boxes  are a great and enjoyable way to expand your disc selection, brand awareness, and mold familiarity. There are a large variety of these mystery boxes online, some of them are manufacturer specific (like a Discmania mystery box), while others are diverse, and others are seasonal. Some of the best mystery boxes that I have found online have been from Discount Disc Golf. These boxes provide a chance of a lot of discs from a variety of manufactures, and offer all types of discs.  Buying mystery boxes is a great way to save some money as the cost per disc is substantially less than buying each disc individually. 

Discount Disc Golf is a new discovery of mine, they are a disc golf outlet store, specializing in providing discs at the lowest price possible. They don’t have all of the disc golf brands, but of the brands they do have, this is probably the cheapest site from which to buy discs. Free shipping is really easy to obtain (just at $12), and it seems that everything is about priced below the MSRP. So you’re getting discs at a discount, and then free shipping as well – awesome.

Disc Golf Disc Mystery Boxes

image1 rotated e1646768742912 Best Disc Golf Mystery Boxes for 2023Enough about Discount Disc Golf, the disc golf mystery boxes that I have found there hold quite the bang for the buck. Evaluating the total price, you’ll find that the price per disc is by far the cheapest you’ll find online and in-person. As mentioned before, you don’t pay for shipping on these at all either. It seems that Discount Disc Golf has a similar disc golf mystery box setup that Infinite Discs has, but they cost less than they do at Infinite in all aspects. They have a lower list price and you don’t pay for shipping. Which is what has prompted me to share this gem with everyone. Check out all of their mystery box offerings on your own through the provided link. It does seem that Infinite does play some sort of role in helping Discount Disc Golf.

Within this category of products, there are a variety of these mystery boxes that offer a different number of molds and plastic mixes. You’ll find that these deals boxes contain 5 to 12 discs, with a mix of base plastic only to premium plastic only. Within this article I’ll review the two disc golf mystery boxes that I bought (Mystery Box XL and Mystery Budget Box) and explain the other options. 

I purchased the Mystery Box XL and the Mystery Budget Box. Overall, I was pretty happy with the discs that I got in them. I think that for the price that I paid, I got a decent enough deal to make it worth it. There were some discs that I wasn’t too excited about, but there were some other ones which were pretty awesome.

Mystery Box XL

I was quite pleased with the Mystery Box XL, I feel that the value I received was pretty solid. And it definitely exceeded that of what I had paid for the disc golf box. Within it, I found some cool molds from some well-known manufacturers, as well as a handful of molds from unknown manufacturers. Because of this, I’m pretty hyped about the molds I received, and was pretty excited about trying all of these discs out. Below, you’ll find a list of all of the discs that I got in my mystery box. I’ve also included the price ranges for these molds that I have found just online and within my local shop. 

  • Divergent Discs Nuno in Max Grip plastic $9.99 – $12.99
  • Axiom Envy in Electron Firm plastic (James Conrad Commemorative Special Edition) $14.99 – $17.95
  • Alfa Discs Apollo in Chrome plastic $19.90 – $21.19
  • XCom Griffon in Durable plastic $12.49 – $13.99
  • Yikun Yao in Phoenix Line $12.49 – $15.99
  • MVP Inertia in Proton plastic $16.95 – $19.95
  • Discraft Surge SS in ESP plastic $18.99 – $24.99
  • Prodigy D Model S in Duraflex plastic $14.99 – $16.49
  • Yikun Gou in Phoenix Line plastic $12.49 – $15.99
  • Viking Discs Valhalla in Storm plastic $13.99 – $18.01
  • Xcom Helios in Durable plastic $12.49 – $13.99
  • Viking Discs Barbarian in Storm plastic $13.99 – $18.01

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Thoughts on Mystery Box XL

Add all of those numbers together and you’ll get this range of what you would have spent if each disc was bought individually: $173.75 – $209.54. This dollar range shows how much I would have spent to get all of these discs individually, excluding shipping costs and taxes of course. This is a pretty incredible deal, just off the bat this box of mystery discs saved me at least $63.76 and at most $99.55, which is 36% – 47% of savings. This is a great bargain!

Also, I’m pretty stoked about the discs I received as well. Most of these discs I’ve heard some good things about them. Like the Apollo, Inertia, Surge SS, Valhalla, and Griffon. While some of the others, as I read the reviews for them, they excited me to try the other ones out. Upon throwing the discs, I found them to be reliable and good to throw. Obviously, I did like some more than the others, like the Inertia and the Barbarian are pretty great. Basically, this is a dope disc golf box all around. It saves you a lot of money and gave me a lot of exciting discs to try out.

Mystery Budget Box

image31248 rotated e1646768903157 Best Disc Golf Mystery Boxes for 2023Now if you’re not up for spending the $110 to get the Disc Golf Mystery Box XL, there are a handful of other options. I was surprised by the value I received for not spending that much money on the Mystery Budget Box. This box is available for $28.99 and will give you 5 discs in a base plastic. Like above, here is the list of discs that I received in my mystery box and the prices.

  • Viking Discs Odin in Ground plastic plastic $8.95 – $11.99
  • Dynamic Discs Escape in Prime plastic $9.99 – $14.92
  • Yikun Discs Kui in Tiger Line plastic $6.79 – $13.99
  • Divergent Discs Kapre in Max Grip plastic $9.99 – $12.99
  • Prodigy P Model S in BaseGrip plastic $7.49 – $11.49

Thoughts on Mystery Budget Box

If I would have bought these discs individually, I would have spent anywhere from $43.21 to $65.38. This budget box saved me at least $14.22 and at most $36.39. These are again pretty significant savings, saving me 32% – 55%. The budget box has the ability to give you an incredible amount of savings!

The discs that I received are pretty solid as well. I’ve heard great things about the P Model S, Escape, and Odin. While with Kapre and the Kui provide some good reviews on the discs as well. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised with the Kapre, that disc was a lot of fun to throw around. Also, it was highly capable in holding a large variety of lines. And the P Model S held up to its reputation as well. While the Odin proved to be a good reliable distance driver. Overall, I’m pretty happy that this disc golf box gave me some good value and fun discs to throw.

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Other Disc Golf Mystery Box Options

Discount Disc Golf has some other disc golf disc mystery box options as well. I purchased, at the time, the most expensive one and the cheapest one that they have. There are five other options for you to chose if one of those two doesn’t work for you. There is a 15-disc+bag mystery box, 7-disc premium box , a 5-disc glow box, a 5-disc putters only box, and a 5-disc premium and base plastic mixed box. Judging from my experience, I’d imagine that these other three mystery boxes will provide good discs and good value for the money spent.

I was also able to find a YouTube video that has two individuals who open an Infinite Discs Deals Box. To me, this seems to be the same product as the Disc Golf Mystery Box from Discount Disc Golf. So I would think you would see a similar value from Discount Disc Golf as you would from Infinite Discs. But check out this video to see what they got in their box.

Disc Golf Mystery Monthly Subscription Service

If you love surprises, and ultra premium collectible disc golf discs, then check out the Infinite Discs VIP club. The carefully selected disc assortment covers a range of brands, encompassing emerging names as well. Subscribers often receive unreleased discs and those made from unique plastic varieties, offering a glimpse into the forefront of disc technology. Every disc boasts visually appealing artwork, adding an extra dimension to its allure. Notably, the club also presents the opportunity to acquire collectible discs with potential value on the secondary market. Be sure to check out the Infinite Discs VIP club if you’re like premium mystery discs and are looking for the best disc golf monthly subscription service.

In Conclusion

Overall, I find that these disc golf mystery boxes provide a great value to the consumer. I’ve received a great amount of good discs, and some really valuable discs as well! The reviews that I’ve read on Discount Disc Golf regarding these products comfort me as well. Discount Disc Golf seems to be working very hard to provide immense value and charging the lowest price that they can.

While we’re talking about saving money on disc golf discs, you should check out this article that helps you know some sweet deals on disc golf equipment.

So, if you’re looking for some great deals, or looking to expand your disc collection; check out these mystery boxes. Have you purchased a mystery box before, what was your experience like?