Best Disc Golf Fairway Drivers

image01245 rotated e1646768559234 Best Disc Golf Fairway Drivers

The fairway driver is an often neglected, yet important, element of a disc golfers game. When getting new drivers, disc golfers are usually looking for “more distance”. One of the best ways to improve scores is with discs that are easy to control and fly consistently. Best Disc Golf Fairway Drivers are the answer.

There are more than 40 different fairway drivers currently for sale. Here are the best disc golf fairway drivers according to reviewers on

Innova Teebird – This classic overstable fairway driver is the must have of all must haves. Of the 15 disc golfers who have Innova Teebird - #1 Rated Fairway Driverreviewed this disc, ALL of them have rated it as a 5 Star Must Have. No other disc on the website has such a high rating, and very few fairway drivers were actually rated above a 4. Here’s what Whitefedora says about the Teebird:

Best disc ever made. Bar none. It’s great for learning the game and learning to drive. It’s great for pros as well. It has glide and is a great straight shooter. If you are a beginner, it will have a healthy amount of fade, but as you get better that fade will turn into a forward penetrating fade giving you even more distance.

Latitude 64 River – No fairway driver has as much glide as the Latitude 64 River. This fairway driver Lat 64 Riveris perfect for intermediate players, and goes the distance with minimal effort. From 14 votes, the river has a rating of 4.58. Here’s what Jeff says about the River.

The River is one my go to discs. On short drives and long approaches this disc is dependable and holds a hyzer and an anhyzer line reliably. Flex shots are also easy to throw. This disc is like clay in your hands. Super long glide lets you float where you want it.

Discraft XL – The XL is a long (not super long) straight flying driver. This disc is highly XL-Elite-Xrecommended for newer disc golfers. 8 different voters have given the XL a 4.38 rating. This is what Ray Sherwood has to say about it:

This is a really underrated disc. The pro D is a great under stable beginner driver, fast enough to rip, but not too fast to control. The other plastics all get more stable, so as you develop more snap and arm speed there is a plastic to keep up with you, that you can control and has the same feel. I use this disc on any tight fairway, or extremely long upshot where accuracy is essential.

Discmania FD Jackal – The Jackal by Discmania is another straight flying fairway driver that is often compared with the Discmania JackalLatitude 64 River. From 8 votes, the Jackal has a 4.38 rating. Here’s what Jeff has to say about this fairway driver:

I love throwing fairway driver speed discs, so the FD is right in my wheelhouse. If you have thrown a Latitude 64 River, I would say it’s like a little less touchy River. The rim has a really comfortable grip, and the disc offers great glide. Can be used for accurate straight drives, hyzers and turnovers.

Discraft Stalker – This straight flying fairway driver is one of the few discs Discraft sells that is available in exclusive Stalker-TitaniumTitanium plastic. This is a favorite driver for straight flying control shots. The Stalker has a rating of 4.25 after receiving 8 votes. Here’s what CaliZac89 says about the Stalker:

Gentle fade at the end of the flight. Can handle just about any line I’ve thrown it on.. Rarely skips more than 5 feet after impact and handles sidearm throws extremely well. I pull one out of the bag for shots around 275-300ft every time. Buy one, toss it around awhile and watch yourself start to park your drives. One of my favorite discs, have one in Z and one in Ti thats a bit more overstable.

Innova Leopard – This popular fairway driver is considered one of the “greatest discs ever,” Innova Leopard - Great Beginner Driver!especially for beginners. From 15 votes, the Leopard has a rating of 4.2. This is what Laramie has to say about the Leopard:

This disc has been my favorite go-to driver since I have started playing. I play primarily wooded courses which require dead on accuracy and very little room to work lines. The leopard is able to lock right onto a straight line and glide for days. At lighter weights, I use it for turnover shots and distance eating flex shots.

Vibram Trak – This durable fairway driver is unique in that it’s made from rubber rather than the  Trakusual disc plastic.  The big advantage of this disc over other discs is in its longevity. The strong rubber compound is built to last. The Trak has a 4.14 rating out of 7 votes. Here’s what Christopher Jones has to say about this disc:

I love this disc. It was my first Vibram disc and I immediately ran out and bought the rest. The X-Link is an amazing compound that takes what you throw at it (or rather throw it at) and just keeps on kicking. When I first got the disc I had just started playing and it was very friendly for a beginner and as I’ve grown the disc has continued to be very useful. It has a consistent flight pattern and decent distance for a fairway driver. I use it at least a few times every round.

Innova Eagle – The Eagle was Innova’s original driver, and still is highly regarded. This disc is overstable and makes a good Innova Eaglechoice for a variety of different shots. From 8 votes, the Eagle is rated as a “good” 4. This is what Rakoz has to say about it:

The most versatile driver in my bag. I primarily keep 2 around (one x mold and one L mold) for tomahawks and sidearm flicks. This disc has had the longest stay in my bag (well, tied with my candy rhynos). I highly recommend this disc to all. A great step up driver for newer players, a versatile disc that will stay with you for your disc golf lifetime; for the experienced player you’ll have a new friend who might just surprise you.

Latitude 64 XXX – This disc is meant to be a super overstable meathook. The XXX will fight wind like nobody’s business, so Latitude 64 Super Meat Hook XXXfor super overstable fairway drivers, this disc takes the cake with a 4.0 rating. Here is what Stuart Autry has to say about it:

How to explain the XXX. It’s a very very overstable driver. I cannot place enough emphasis on the overstability. It’s the equivalent of a Firebird from Innova or a Predator from Discraft. It is not meant to fly far, it is meant to fight the wind, hook hard and find the ground. Great for overhands, great for power sidearms, flex sidearms, big spike hyzers, skip shots. Also makes a great overhand roller disc when you need to get into trouble.

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