Throw Like a Girl – The Anubis and The Sphinx

Dawn photo banner Throw Like a Girl - The Anubis and The Sphinx

Infinite Discs was gracious enough to send me some discs to try out. Before I review them, I want to give you the context of where I am in my game. I do this because I believe that as you improve and your game changes, the discs that are best for you may change as well. That being said, these discs can work for a lot of people and shots outside of the ones I will cover in this article. The only way you can know how they’ll compliment your game is to order them or pick them up at your local pro shop and try them out for yourself.

My name is Dawn Mischele and I’ve been playing disc golf for just over a year now; I still consider myself a beginner. My current maximum distance is around 250-275. Right now I don’t really throw any distance drivers, instead opting for mostly fairway drivers and midrange discs. Although I don’t play many tournaments, I have played a few which have given me a 740 rating. With that context out of the way, onto the discs!



Anubis Throw Like a Girl - The Anubis and The Sphinx

The first disc I was gifted was an Anubis. This is a straight midrange with point-and-shoot accuracy. The small rim makes this disc really comfortable to hold. I think this is true especially for women or people with smaller hands, like myself. When throwing the Anubis, I found that slowing down really brought out the best in it. Since this disc is a midrange it should be thrown as such; by this I mean that throwing it as hard as you throw a driver may result in more turn than intended. When thrown flat, the Anubis will go straight for a long time before finishing very slightly to the left (throwing right-hand backhand). That being said this disc will hold pretty much any line you put it on.

Throwing The Anubis with hyzer produces a beautiful flight that holds the hyzer and finishes softly. Anhyzers tend to be tricky for beginners, but this disc holds that angle for a long time as well. How hard you throw the anhyzer angle (left to right for me) will dictate whether and when it fights out and begins to pan to flat. For the most part it will hold until the end of its flight. For people with slightly less power, it may begin to fade out at the end of its flight. I think this can actually be positive for beginners who don’t have a solid idea of how much angle to put on the release, because with less power it will pan out really nicely to avoid those nasty cut-rolls.

I highly recommend this the Anubis for beginning players, especially if you’ve been playing for less than a year. The fact that this disc holds whatever line you put it on makes it a very good learning tool. When I first started playing disc golf, I had a lot of trouble understanding release angles. Knowing whether my release angle was off or if it was something the disc was doing was so helpful in being able to correct the issue in my form. I think having a disc like this as a beginner will really jump-start that learning process.



Sphinx 2nd run Throw Like a Girl - The Anubis and The Sphinx

The other disc I got was a Sphinx. The Sphinx is an understable fairway driver. I fell in love with this disc pretty quickly. When I throw the disc flat, it goes straight for around a hundred feet before panning to the right where it finishes. This is a really good disc to learn hyzer-flips on. Right now, I’ve been struggling to gain consistency with hyzer-flipping, and this disc has been a powerful tool in aiding me to do so. Again, the way this disc behaves is very dependent on the amount of power you put on it. I let one of my friends who hasn’t been playing as long as I have throw it to test this. When she threw it, it went straight for a long time, panning slightly to the right and finishing back to the left. This was the first time she got to experience that full-flight, S-curve type of throw and she was so excited.

The Sphinx has made a permanent home in my bag, and likely in hers too. This disc is very versatile and can be used for different throws depending on where you are in your game. For my friend it’s one of her farthest drivers, for me it’s a hyzer-flip and turn over disc, and my boyfriend loved it for sky-anhyzers and rollers.

Overall both of these discs were a joy to throw and were both so versatile. I especially recommend them to females and players who are just getting started. Not only are they great discs but also great tools to teach you about form, timing, and having fun! I can’t wait to hear all of the success stories that come from having these discs in player’s bags. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Read More:

Chapter 1 – The Anubis and The Sphinx
Chapter 2 – Comparing Yourself with the Guys
Chapter 3 – My First Tournament