Individual and Large Starter Sets for 2022

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Playing disc golf has always been a family thing for me. Whether it has been to play with my brother-in-law or with my wife. I’ve always played disc golf with my family. It’s fairly simple to casually play and we get to walk around and talk. It makes for a good time. I was just stumbling around the the internet when I found these pretty cool disc golf sets. These are the best disc golf starter sets of 2022 that I’ve seen so far.

Individual Disc Golf Starter Sets

IMG 3484 rotated e1652812457353 Individual and Large Starter Sets for 2022The individual beginner set for disc golf generally contains 2-5 discs. I’ve found that the two best sites for finding the a suitable starter set is either at Infinite Discs or Discount Disc golf. I say these two as I haven’t found a disc golf set that isn’t available on these two sites, especially Infinite Discs. Discount Disc Golf has a good selection, but has them at a better price than the vast majority of places I’ve seen. Check out Infinite’s entire starter set selection here, and check out Discount’s entire selection here. These are some of my favorite disc golf starter sets that I have found.

Discmania Disc Golf Starter Set

The Discmania set provides three solid discs, they’re all great molds: Sensei, Maestro, and Magician. The Magician is an excellent all-around putt & approach disc. It is easy-throw, flies straight, and is dependable. While the Maestro provides a dependable overstable flight path, but not so overstable that it becomes difficult to throw. And the Magician is an excellent first fairway driver. This flight is quite a favorable flight, straight with a slight fade at the end. To me this flight path is a staple in my bag, and a go-to. This set is available at Infinite Discs or Discount Disc Golf:

Infinite Discs 2-Disc Starter Set

I really enjoy this set, as it has two of my favorite discs in it. The Sphinx and the Tomb. The Tomb is an incredible approach disc, and a pretty good putter. This flies very straight with hardly any fade at the end. Its quite an incredible disc. The Sphinx is a great understable fairway driver. Its very good to start off with, I started off with a similar flying disc in fact. Its quite capable of achieving good distance, and staying in your bag as you become better. The sphinx is a great and well rounded control driver that is sure to last. These are the best places to purchase this set:

Divergent Discs Max Performance

The Max Performance set has two of my favorite Divergent Discs molds. The Kapre and the Nuno. These are more stable than the typical Divergent mold. However, they are still somewhat easy to throw. Because of the increased stability in these two molds, I find that this is a great starter set. It allows the individual to have some easy-to-throw discs that are going to last the player’s increase in skill. Not only will the player have discs that they can throw now, but also have discs that they can throw in the future. It is why, I think this is one of the best disc golf sets out there.

Divergent Discs Max Grip Glow

Now this set, is probably my most favorite of the 4 that I am spotlighting in this blog. Every disc in it, is a favorite of mine. I love the Narwhal as it is a capable putter, it suits my arm speed quite well. It is a little touchy, but it flies reliably enough that I trust it. While the Kapre is a very formidable midrange. It is a great disc for most situations. Which is why it is such a good mold to have, especially in the beginning. And the Kraken, is a great control driver. To start off, it works well to increase a player’s distance. Its an incredibly easy-to-throw disc. In addition to all of this, these discs will glow in the dark. The glow is pretty solid too. Even if you don’t plan on playing night rounds, its always nice to have a glow disc. As you don’t fully know when you might randomly play a night round.

Family or Large Disc Golf Starter Sets

A family or large set of disc golf discs provides 6+ discs. I found that there are a few sets out there that provide a lot of discs, or a bargain for the family or friend group to get a handful of discs and begin playing disc golf. With that in mind, I’ve only found two current companies that provide these sets, Divergent Discs and Viking Discs. As I’ve tried out these sets, or the discs within the sets and have found that I’ve enjoyed the majority of the discs provided. Overall, I’ve been pleased with these disc golf starter sets.

Divergent Disc Golf 8-Disc Family Starter Set

This disc golf set for the family provides 8 discs; 4 Narwhals and 4 Krakens. These discs I found were really easy to throw and helped my wife get some great distance. Even my daughter was able to get better throws with this disc than she has with other molds. As I look around I see that there are a lot of places that sell this set I’ve made a list of the more popular sites and their prices:

Divergent Disc’s Family Starter Pack Review

image111 rotated e1652815542429 Individual and Large Starter Sets for 2022This set is available for a great price and deal. I got mine from Discount Disc Golf for the savings. I was pleased to find that the product matched the description of the other sites. Now, regarding the discs; I’ve enjoyed the both of the discs. The Kraken is a pretty good fairway driver. For me, it provides pretty good distance, it really likes to turn for me though. I’ve had pretty favorable success with throwing a roller with the Kraken. Its a really fun disc to throw.

For my wife, the Kraken flies very nicely. It provides a good “S-curve” flight for her. This has also helped her get a lot more distance than what she used to with other mainstream manufacturers. The Kraken has become a go-to disc for her, and she loves the thing. The results for my daughter are quite similar as well.

The Narwhal is a pretty cool putter. Its super glidey and makes for a good putter as well as a thrower. I’ve hit some long putts with this disc without much effort. It was incredible to watch just how it floated for so long. When I throw this as an approach shot, or for a drive, I do need to be careful. The Narwhal is an understable mold that can easily turn and burn quickly. The Narwhal is an understable mold that I like for short straight shots and turnovers.

While for my wife and daughter, this is quite the capable disc for them. They can get turnover shots, hyzer shots, and straight shots with this thing. I’ve also seen some great putts put into the basket by their hand. its a joy to watch them throw the Narwhal, makes me a little jealous at times as it flies so nicely for them.

Viking Discs 8-Disc Starter Set

This 8-Disc beginner set is a unique set, it provides a good variety of different types of discs. As well as molds of differing stabilities. Basically, this set of discs offers a lot of molds that are good to throw around. There are 6 molds provided in this disc golf set: 3 Runes, 1 Axe, 1 Cosmos, 1 Barbarian, 1 Ragnarok, and 1 Odin. Of the discs in the set, you receive two in storm plastic (the Odin and 1 Rune), while all others are in ground plastic.

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Viking Discs 8-Disc Beginner Set Review

My overall thought regarding this starter pack is pretty good. Basically, I see that this is good choice as a disc golf set. The Rune, Axe, and Cosmos are stable discs that are capable of flying in a variety of lines. While the Barbarian, Ragnarok and Odin are on the more overstable side of things. This breadth of stability will help the beginner disc golfer learn how to throw the stable discs. And as the form improves, the player can work to throw the more overstable molds. Because of this, I really like this set. It offers a good starting ground, as well as discs to grow into.

My favorite molds from this disc golf package was the Rune, Axe, Barbarian, and Ragnarok. These were the discs that I kept reaching for as I continued my play. They offer a good in-the-hand feel, and hold very nice lines for my style of play. These are quite comfortable for me to use and rely upon. The one disc that I have yet to like yet, is the Odin. This is a little too much for me and my slower arm, but I have used it as a utility disc. A disc that I can trust to always go right (RHBH).  The Viking Discs 8-Disc Set is a great introductory set for disc golfers to learn a variety of different molds, stabilities, and of Viking Discs.

Viking Discs 8-Disc Sets (Armor, Ground, & Storm)

This Viking Discs set provides 8 different molds within it. And it is available in 3 different plastics, allowing for a differing price point that suits you. I found that these three sets are available on the same sites as before. See the list below to see where to get yours.

Viking Discs 8-Disc Sets (Armor, Ground, & Storm) Review

IMG 3601 rotated e1652816952886 Individual and Large Starter Sets for 2022There are some overlapping discs in this 8-disc set as there are in the 8-disc starter set. My feelings are this set of discs is much better if you’ve already got some discs. The other one is better if you are just starting out. These three sets are excellent regardless of the plastic you chose. You definitely save money buying this rather than buying each disc individually. You’ll receive discs that are understable to overstable discs. Many of these molds are great discs, of them I really like the Rune, Knife, Axe, Ragnarok, and Berserker the most. These are all quite workable and within my arm speed.

The other thing that I find awesome about this set is that you can purchase it in your preferred plastic type. If you’re looking to just try them out or you like the base-type plastic more than others, then the Ground plastic is the best option for you. While if you want more premium plastic, you can chose the Armor or Storm plastic. I like the Armor plastic as it offers good durability and good grip. It is like the happy middle ground of the two. While the Storm plastic offers excellent durability and decent grip, and can often make a mold a little more stable than it was before. This is what I think is the coolest of this set, all because of the simple choice of which plastic you want.

In Conclusion

Hopefully this helps you find the best set for you to start playing disc golf. Or helps you find a set of discs that you and your family or friends can use to enjoy the sport. Overall, there are a lot of disc golf starter sets out there, all of them are pretty solid. These are some of my favorite ones that I have tried out and enjoyed throwing them around. If you’re not in the market for a beginner set, but are still looking to purchase in bulk, you should check out mystery boxes. These offer a large variety of plastics, manufacturers, and disc types. Plus, its fun to be surprised by what you may receive. Check out this recent article that we’ve put together regarding mystery boxes and where to get them: Best Disc Golf Mystery Boxes for 2022. I hope this helps you find the right disc golf starter set for your disc golfing needs. Thanks!