Video Review of the MVP MATRIX Plus Beginner MVP Discs

Matrix Blog Video Review of the MVP MATRIX Plus Beginner MVP Discs

It’s time to check in with one of our favorite, down-to-earth, disc golf YouTubers, TUCK4S1.  He recently got a some easy-to-throw MVP discs from Infinite Discs and put together some helpful video reviews.  In this first video he looks at the ATOM putter, the TANGENT mid-range, and the ORBITAL distance driver:

In this next video, TUCK4S1 takes a look at the newest mid-range disc from MVP, the MATRIX:

Here is another video review of the MATRIX from Daddy Disc Golf:



matrix_proofThe Matrix was originally released as part of the 2016 MVP Circuit– a series of tournament events that feature new discs from MVP and Axiom.  Then in November 2016 it was released to the general disc golf market with both a stock stamp, and a limited edition stamp.  But one of the most sought-after editions of the Matrix was the three-color foil stamp, only released to the Infinite Discs VIP Club members.

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