There is no arguing the popularity and massive success of the DESTROYER by Innova particularly in Star plastic. It is the top selling distance driver at pretty much any disc golf retailer, it is used regularly by professional players, and it continues to challenge (and often allude) the attempts of new players to make amazing shots like witnessed on Youtube. It is a fabulous driver, but certainly not beginner friendly.
For Destroyer fans and disc enthusiasts, it is also accepted that different factory runs of Destroyers can also have varied flight characteristics. I have a coworker that enjoys handing a certain pink 154g Star Destroyer to friends just to see their reaction when it crashes to the ground early, since it is so much more overstable than his heavier Destroyers. So, it is not uncommon to see players with several Destroyers in their bag– each for a specific game situation. Just watch Paul McBeth’s video about which discs are in his bag to see how he has at least a half dozen Destroyers, each with different flight characteristics for differing shots. Of course, for more casual players (not to mention non-sponsored) it can be an expensive and daunting venture to find the Destroyers that they want for their own style and their own needs. Imagine buying five or six supposedly identical discs with hopes to acquire one that flies how you want it to fly. Or perhaps it is more an issue of “beating in” your discs until they finally behave how you want them to behave.
Now, let’s step back and take a look at another disc that has very similar flight ratings, and that might prove to be the Destroyer’s superior when it comes to predictability and consistent performance.
The DDX by Discmania is a 2016 disc release that arrived on the market with such anticipation, and was received so enthusiastically by players that supply ran out and the discs were very difficult to find for weeks at a time. Looking at the reasons for such an astounding reception right out of the factory, one might deduce that the disc’s similarities to the Destroyer are key. First of all, Discmania discs are manufactured in the USA by Innova. Thus, Discmania’s “S-Line” plastic is really just their equivalent of Innova’s “Star” plastic, coming from essentially the same source. So picking up an S-Line DDX won’t feel radically different than the top-selling Destroyer. Then, look at the dimensions and flight ratings for both discs, side-by-side:
DDx Dimensions:
- Diameter: 21.1 cm
- Height: 1.7 cm
- Rim Depth: 1.1 cm
- Rim Width: 2.3 cm
- Max Weight: 175.00 g
Additional Information:
- Speed: 12.0
- Glide: 6.0
- Turn: -1.0
- Fade: 2.0
- Primary Use: Distance Driver
- Stability: Overstable
Destroyer Dimensions:
- Diameter: 21.1 cm
- Height: 1.4 cm
- Rim Depth: 1.2 cm
- Rim Width: 2.2 cm
- Max Weight: 177.00 g
Additional Information:
- Speed: 12.0
- Glide: 5.0
- Turn: -1.0
- Fade: 3.0
- Primary Use: Distance Driver
- Stability: Overstable
You’ll notice that when it comes to dimensions, the DDX is a slightly taller disc than the Destroyer and it amounts to slightly more “glide”. The rim sizes are only marginally different. But the flight ratings are almost identical when it comes to stability, except that the DDX has less fade than a Destroyer (2 fade vs. 3 fade). When it comes to fade, that is often where less experienced players feel like they get cheated. They bomb a distance driver out there and then cringe when it takes a sudden turn to the overstable side because they don’t have the sling-shot arm to keep the thing flying straight. Still, those differences are subtle, but enough that players looked at the DDX with the hope that it would actually be a more “user-friendly” version of the Destroyer…a disc that could glide a little longer and fade a little less while serving the same general purposes. Basically, it could be the common man’s Destroyer. If your Destroyer flies like a meat hook, then the DDX could be your answer.
Now that the DDX has been flying through the air for a few weeks (at least for the lucky players who managed to get one before the shortage) how has it lived up to the hype and anticipation? As an intermediate player who loves discs that can offer predictable distance, I was one of many to jump on the DDX bandwagon, and I found that I was instantly a fan of the new disc. It still has a solid fade, but without being punishing. It can go the distance with a satisfyingly straight path before the fade, or it can make those pretty S-curves, or it can hyzer-bomb, all based upon your release. It feels, right out of the box, like the player is in control of the disc rather than the disc dictating how it wants to fly based on its seasoning or it’s manufacturing run. That’s not to disparage the Destroyer in general, but only to say that the DDX is a welcome relief to those of us who don’t necessarily want six different versions of the same disc on our bag.
So far, when it comes to the DDX, mission accomplished! They keep flying off the shelves and out of players’ bags on the disc golf course because now there seems to be a Destroyer for the rest of us. We can’t all be Paul McBeth, but we can throw a great, predictable distance driver. Let’s cross our fingers that the DDX stays this way. Solid, predictable, accessible, and possibly the better choice.
Destroyer all day. Been in my bag since they came out and still one of the best distance drivers available. ( Ok.. I admit I bought a few DDx )
Depends on the shot. I’ve been throwing a star destroyer as my go to for the past year. When the DDX came out I immediately bought two to give them a shot. I love the disc but for a different kind of shot.
The destroyer holds up in a head wind much better. The ddx goes further 8 out of 10 times with calm winds.
I like both and will continue to use the hell out of them!
Destroyer has always been a go to disc for driving.
I have yet to try a DDX
Will admit to loving the Destroyer since I started. Granted it’s only 8 years now, still I’ve gone thru 2 completely and still have 4 in my bag.
I would really like to try a DDX to do a comparison test.
Destroyer is my go to but as mentioned I have them in different plastics and they do have different throwing patterns…. I have not had the opportunity to throw a ddx yet…
Huh this makes me really want to try the ddx
Where’s the Legacy Outlaw in this discussion? I love my Icon Outlaw and would take it over a Star Destroyer any day